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June 2014

Wow, was May a great meeting. I know it was on a Friday, and I know it was Memorial Day weekend, but I feel bad for those that missed Michele Parsons and her presentation on "Wood Burning".

As an artist myself I thoroughly enjoyed her presentation and I give her credit for giving me the push that I needed. I have been feeling sorry for myself as I have felt that I am letting my craft (the scroll saw) go because of my bleeding disorder. While we all know accidents happen in our shops, I cannot afford for one to happen. Michele reminded me that I am an artist first and foremost and that there are more ways of expressing yourself than creating sawdust. In 1998 I did my first wood burning. I was not sure I truly had a talent for it although I thought I did. As President of the club back then I took advantage (just a little) and took my burning to a meeting and told the club that my furture burning endeavors were in their hands. If the membership thought I had a talent I would do more. Well...my burning escalated to the point that we included a line in our craft business (Bill's Woodshed) which showcased my burnings and offered them for sale. I also won a few awards with two burnings that I put into various competitions.

Since our May meeting I am now looking at starting a new burning and I have been doing wooden art projects with my grandson-monster trucks, small racers, etc. We assemble them and paint them and he palys with them. I have started painting a birdhouse which I hope to have for many years to come. I have also started drawing again which is something I had given up. As I love the use of color I have gotten my paints and pencils out and have been coloring just like a child would and I have to admit -- I am loving it.

I let my judgment be clouded and my mind closed and while I regret that I did not focus on the things I can do -- I am glad I was reminded that my talents extend further than my saw. Don't get me wrong, I miss my saw too!!!


Till next time...